Sunday, March 25, 2007

Back to Hats

After receiving Isela's book from Amazon and seeing some of the creative hats posted on the groups and on individual blogs, I'm ready to return to making hats. What a great excuse to visit JoAnn's and stock up on yarn. Of course, I will be making lots of basic hats like those in my photo album. But it's fun to make fancier hats too. So here is the beginning of season 2007.

This first hat started out from Isela's book. I like her cable hat and the cables were easy but all those flat stitches were more than my neck could handle. So the cables became an accent instead.

Here I was experimenting with accents other than pompoms. This is a loopy flower someone posted on one of the groups some time ago.

The flower on this hat was posted by the same person. It's a little large for this hat but I think some little girl will like it.

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